Mali/Sahel: Trainings and events

Protection of Children from Recruitment and Use in Hostilities

14 May 2024

The Mali Regional IHL Desk held a two-day training for the representatives of the Civil Society organisations in Markala, Segou.

From May 13 to 14, 2024, the Mali regional International Humanitarian Law Center organized in the Niono circle (Ségou region) a two-day workshop on the legal protection of children in armed conflicts. The objective of this activity was to strengthen knowledge of the international legal framework on the recruitment and use of children and mechanisms for enforcing the prohibition of child use in hostilities.

The training for civil society organizations in Mali focused on the international legal framework regarding the prohibition of using child soldiers in hostilities. The objectives were twofold:

  • To enhance participants' understanding of the international legal standards related to the prohibition of using child soldiers, including relevant treaties and conventions on the involvement of children in armed conflict.
  • To engage civil society organizations in discussions about their role in promoting these international legal standards, particularly in the Segou area.

    By providing participants with a comprehensive overview of the international legal framework and encouraging dialogue on practical strategies for advocacy and intervention, the training aimed to empower civil society organizations to actively contribute to the protection of children from being recruited and used in armed conflict in Mali.

    For more information on this training, please contact:

    Mali Regional Desk

    Bamako, Mali

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