The ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israel’s Occupation of the oPt | Summary of Hearings
22 April 2024From 19 to 26 February 2024, public hearings were held in the advisory proceedings concerning the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.
This publication provides a snapshot of the major themes that emerged from the hearings as well as a selection of arguments proffered. An overview of the positions articulated by all participating States and organisations during the hearings can be found in the separate table.
The vast majority of States and organisations contended that Israel’s occupation of the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) involves unlawful policies and practices, and many also took the view that the occupation as a whole is illegal and must be brought to an end. The Court is expected to render its advisory opinion in the coming months.
All publications on the advisory proceedings are listed here, and a research page on legal proceedings relating to Israel and the oPt can be found here.
Cover photo: Members of the delegation of the State of Palestine at the start of the hearings, Monday 19 February 2024. UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek. Courtesy of the ICJ. All rights reserved.