Syria/Region: News

Humanitarian Assistance and Access in Armed Conflict

14 July 2023

The Syria Regional Desk of the Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Centre has identified humanitarian access and assistance to areas controlled by non-State armed groups (NSAGs) as an urgent priority. In the context of the Centre’s commitment to improving civilian protection and human rights in armed conflict, this paper was developed to:

  • Provide States, NSAGs, and humanitarian actors with an in-depth overview of the legal and operational aspects related to humanitarian access in situations of armed conflict.
  • Support these actors in improving adherence to international humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law (IHRL) with a specific focus on the obligation of NSAGs to facilitate humanitarian assistance through engagement with external actors.
  • Support humanitarian actors seeking to gain access to affected populations in NSAG controlled territories to ensure the delivery of essential services to those in need.

    For more information about this report or other publications from the Syria Regional Desk, get in touch:

    Syria Regional Desk


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    Myra Saade

    Manager and Senior Legal Advisor

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