Two young women talking to each other in a cafe.

Contact us

Thank you for your interest in the Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Centre. On this page, you find the contact details of our teams in Stockholm and around the world.


Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Centre

Alsnögatan 7, 116 44 Stockholm, Sweden

Please, always make an appointment before coming to see us.

Phone: +46 8 453 69 00

Fax: +46 8 453 69 29

IHL Advisory Service

We offer specific advice on legal and policy questions to the humanitarian community.

Contact our regional desks


Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Centre, Jerusalem


Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Centre, Lebanon


Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Centre, Mali


Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Centre, Global Desk

Complaints and Response Mechanism

We encourage everybody to hold us accountable to our commitments. If we are not living up to our commitments, you have the possibility to file a complaint through Diakonia's Complaints and Response Mechanism.