Our partners in Africa
Here is a list of Diakonia's partner organizations in Africa.
Partner organization | Country |
OneWorld UK | Burkina Faso |
Association des Femmes Juristes du Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso |
Association SEMFILMS | Burkina Faso |
Centre pour la Gouvernance Démocratique | Burkina Faso |
Association tout pour tous -Yennega (CivSam) | Burkina Faso |
Forum for African Women Educationalist | Burkina Faso |
Reseau Afrique Jeunesses | Burkina Faso |
Centre de Recherche et d’Intervention en Genre et Développement | Burkina Faso |
Commission Justice et Paix - Burkina | Burkina Faso |
Association pour la Promotion des Oeuvres Sociales | Burkina Faso |
Cadre de concertation des ONG actives en Education de Base | Burkina Faso |
Association pour la Promotion et le Développement du Gulmu | Burkina Faso |
Balai Citoyen | Burkina Faso |
Fondation pour l'Etude et la Promotion des Droits Humains en Afrique | Burkina Faso |
Institut Free Afrik | Burkina Faso |
Union Nationale de l'Audiovisuel Libre du Faso | Burkina Faso |
Alliance Technique d’Assistance au Développement | Burkina Faso |
Union des Religieux et Coutumiers du Burkina | Burkina Faso |
Association Monde Rural | Burkina Faso |
Groupe d'Etude et de Recherche sur la Democratie et le Developpement Economique | Burkina Faso |
Reseau National de Lutte Anti-Corruption | Burkina Faso |
Mouvement Burkinabè des Droits de l'Homme et des Peuples | Burkina Faso |
Centre National de Presse Norbert Zongo | Burkina Faso |
Association d'Appui et d' Eveil Pugsada | Burkina Faso |
Association IQRA | Burkina Faso |
Cercle d’Etudes, de Recherches et de formation Islamiques | Burkina Faso |
Burkina Business Incubator | Burkina Faso |
SOS Penitencier | Burkina Faso |
Centre d'Information de Formation et d'Etudes sur le Budget | Burkina Faso |
Association des Bloggueurs de Burkina | Burkina Faso |
Association Tin Tua (CivSam) | Burkina Faso |
Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé | Burkina Faso |
Plate-forme d’Actions à la Sécurisation des Ménages Pastoraux | Burkina Faso |
Programme de Marketing Social et de Communication pour la Santé | Burkina Faso |
Association Tout pour Tous Yennenga | Burkina Faso |
Secrétariat permanent du Conseil national de lutte contre la pratique de l’excision | Burkina Faso |
Ministère du Commerce, de l’Industrie et de l’Artisanat | Burkina Faso |
Association des Femmes Tisseuses de Ponsomtenga | Burkina Faso |
Conseil Régional des Organisations non gouvernementales de Développement du Bas-Congo | Congo-Kinshasa/DRC |
Comité National Femme et Développement | Congo-Kinshasa/DRC |
Organisation Congolaise des Ecologistes et Amis de la Nature | Congo-Kinshasa/DRC |
Femmes des Medias pour la Justice au Congo | Congo-Kinshasa/DRC |
Centre d'Etudes sur Handicap, Justice et Résolution 1325 | Congo-Kinshasa/DRC |
Caritas Congo Asbl | Congo-Kinshasa/DRC |
Cadre de concertation nationale de la société civile RDC | Congo-Kinshasa/DRC |
Centre National d’Appui au Développement et à la Participation Populaire | Congo-Kinshasa/DRC |
Nouvelle société civile congolaise | Congo-Kinshasa/DRC |
League of Youth for the Renaissance of Congo | Congo-Kinshasa/DRC |
Association Congolaise pour l’Accès à la Justice | Congo-Kinshasa/DRC |
Commission Episcopale Justice et Paix | Congo-Kinshasa/DRC |
La Voix des Sans Voix | Congo-Kinshasa/DRC |
International Budget Partnership | Kenya |
Christian Impact Mission | Kenya |
Kenya Human Rights Commission | Kenya |
ACK Nakuru Region InterDiocesan Christian Community Services | Kenya |
The Oslo Center | Kenya |
International Center for Policy and Conflict | Kenya |
Independent Medico Legal Unit | Kenya |
Inter-Religious Council of Kenya | Kenya |
Uraia Trust | Kenya |
Catholic Diocese of Kitui- Caritas Kitui | Kenya |
Inuka Kenya Ni Sisi Limited | Kenya |
Katiba Institute | Kenya |
Legal Resources Foundation | Kenya |
National Council of Churches of Kenya | Kenya |
Grassroots Organization Operating Together in Sisterhood Kenya Association | Kenya |
Kenya conference of catholic bishops | Kenya |
Federation of Women Lawyers - Kenya | Kenya |
Norwegian Church Aid - NCA (as partner Mali) | Mali |
Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation | Mali |
SNV Netherlands Development Organisation | Mali |
Association pour la Formation et le developpement GLD III 2014-2017 | Mali |
Association Malienne pour la Survie au Sahel GLD 2014-2017 | Mali |
Action pour le Developpement Integré | Mali |
Coalition pour l'Annulation de la Dette au GLD III 2014-2017 | Mali |
Comité d'Appui au Developpement de la jeunesse | Mali |
Observatoire des Droits Humains et de la Paix-ODHP | Mali |
Association de Formation et d'Appui au Developpement | Mali |
Association Malienne pour la Promotion au Sahel | Mali |
Association d'Appui au Developpement Communautaire | Mali |
Oui pour une Enfance Noble au Mali | Mali |
Yam-Giribolo-Tumo | Mali |
Service de Developpement Integré | Mali |
Reseau Plaidoyer Lobbying | Mali |
Women in Law and development in Africa Mali | Mali |
Association Malienne pour la Survie au Sahel | Mali |
Associacao de Cegos e Ambliopes de Mocambique | Mozambique |
Associacao Amigos da Crianca Boa Esperanca | Mozambique |
Associacao Mulher Lei e Desenvolvimento | Mozambique |
Rede da Crianca | Mozambique |
Associacao Parlamento Juvenil | Mozambique |
Centro de Estudo de Democracia e Desenvolvimento | Mozambique |
Associacao Mocambicana das Mulheres de Carreira Juridica | Mozambique |
Rede Contra Abuso de Menores | Mozambique |
Gender Links Mozambique | Mozambique |
Instituto Fanelo Ya Mina | Mozambique |
Centro de Aprendizagem e Capacitação da Sociedade Civil | Mozambique |
Nucleo de Amigos da Natureza e do Ambiente | Mozambique |
Forum das Radios Comunitarias de Mocambique | Mozambique |
Associacao para o Desenvolvimento das Mulheres de Morrua | Mozambique |
Associacao das Mulheres Domesticas da Zambezia | Mozambique |
Galkayo Education Center for Peace and Development | Somalia |
Ministry of Constitution Federal Affairs & Democratisation, Puntland | Somalia |
Kaalo Aid and Development Organization | Somalia |
Forum For African Women Educationalists- Somalia Chapter | Somalia |
Samo Development Organization | Somalia |
Somali Family Services | Somalia |
We are Women Activists | Somalia |
Puntland Office of Human Rights Defender | Somalia |
Born Again Faith Federation of Acholi | Uganda |
Chapter Four Uganda | Uganda |
Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung | Uganda |
Center for Policy Analysis | Uganda |
Uganda Joint Christian Council | Uganda |
Cross cultural Foundation of Uganda | Uganda |
Church of Uganda | Uganda |
Forum for Women in Democracy | Uganda |
Human Rights Focus | Uganda |
Rights Evidence Action | Uganda |
Human Rights Network - Uganda | Uganda |
Gulu Women Economic Development & Globalization | Uganda |
ZOA | Uganda |
Teso Initiative for Peace | Uganda |
Uganda Womens Network | Uganda |
Action for Development | Uganda |
Human Rights Network - Uganda | Uganda |
Caritas Solwezi | Zambia |
Non-governmental Gender Organisations’ Coordinating Council | Zambia |
Southern Africa Center for Constructive Resolution of Disputes | Zambia |
Women for Change | Zambia |
Media Institute for South Africa- Zambia | Zambia |
Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection | Zambia |
Caritas Zambia | Zambia |
Foundation for Democratic Process | Zambia |
Extractive Industries Transparency Alliance | Zambia |
Youth Alliance for Development | Zambia |
Youth Empowerment and Transformation Trust | Zimbabwe |
Musasa | Zimbabwe |
Bulawayo Progressive Residents Association | Zimbabwe |
Zimbabwe Council of Churches | Zimbabwe |
Women in Politics Support Unit | Zimbabwe |
Zimbabwe Womens Resource Centre and Network | Zimbabwe |
Habakkuk Trust | Zimbabwe |
Emthonjeni Womens Forum | Zimbabwe |
Womens Institute for Leadership Development | Zimbabwe |
South Western Region Gender Network | Zimbabwe |
Gender Links Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
Community Tolerance Reconciliation and Development Trust | Zimbabwe |
Community Youth Development Trust | Zimbabwe |
Institute for Young Women Development | Zimbabwe |
Zimbabwe Womens Bureau | Zimbabwe |
Transparency International Kenya | Regional |
Tax Justice Network Africa | Regional |
Reality of Aid Africa Network | Regional |
Anglican Development Services - Nyanza | Regional |
Bench Marks Foundation | Regional |
Gender Links | Regional |
Women in Law and Development-Afrique de l'Ouest | Regional |
African Network & Forum on Debt and Development | Regional |
Southern and Eastern African Trade, Information and Negotiations Institute - Uganda | Regional |
Eastern African Sub-Regional Support Initiative for the Advancement of Women | Regional |