A view of a river and a house by the river
Fact Sheet

Supporting people fleeing from Myanmar

1 April, 2022

The military coup in Myanmar in February 2021 began a period of unrest and violence in the country, leading to people fleeing their homes for safety. Many of these people fled to Thailand's border areas and cannot return.

Diakonia has offered temporary shelter in Thailand to the people fleeing the violence on the other side of the river.

Thailand has a history of hosting long-term displaced persons from neighboring countries. However, the coup inside Myanmar has led to influxes of people seeking safety and shelter on the Thailand side of the border, especially areas along the Salween River.

Here, Diakonia and its partner the Legal Status Network Foundation (LSNF) are supporting communities that have received these people. We provided immediate relief for the limited period that they are present- such as food, medical needs, and safety.

Construction of small-scale bunkers to reduce risks from stray shells or shrapnel has begun and distribution and response teams already have plans to meet the needs of the people.

Read more about the project Supporting Myanmar and Respecting Thai Sovereignty and learn about the situation in our brochure.