The PME Handbook
The PME handbook is the main steering document for internal control. It provides instructions for all controls and routines regarding planning, monitoring and evaluation that are to be performed by partner organizations and the various levels of the organization during the project cycle.
Ensures quality and cost effectiveness
The routines ensure that operations comply with policies and guidelines and are quality-checked, and that controls and assessments are transparent and effective. Reporting results and cost effectiveness are of the utmost importance.
Through the PME handbook the management sets a minimum standard for the internal control of Diakonia, and the document is constantly adapted to include new requirements.
Narrative, financial and audit reports
Where ongoing monitoring is concerned, we rely on narrative, financial and audit reports and evaluations performed at all levels, from partner organizations to head office. The audit reports are carried out by certified public accountants. We assess all reports. This work is supplemented with field visits performed by the country offices and/or regional offices.
Besides financial follow-up, the management reports from the regional offices also deal with issues of administrative capacity and other challenges for the partner organizations.
Different kinds of evaluation are also performed, mostly of the programmes. The information from the evaluations is used for improving the operation of new programmes or continuing programmes.
External evaluations and quality assurance
Other institutions also evaluate our systems and operations. Diakonia reports annually in relation to the Code of Quality standard of the Swedish Fundraising Council, as well as to Swedish Fundraising Control.
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) also does system audits of our work and, on occasion, of country offices.