Procurement guidelines
Diakonia sets a high standard for its own work, trying to meet objectives set in the Diakonia policy and strategic plans. The procurement guidelines are part of a set of guidelines that helps staff and partner organizations when implementing overarching values for the operations.
Used by all offices and staff
Diakonia’s procurement guidelines are used at all our offices and by all our staff when buying goods or services. The guidelines provide guidance in these matters. They help Diakonia staff and partner organizations ensure that tenders are as transparent, fair, eco-friendly and cost-efficient as possible.
Diakonia’s procurement principles
- Good business practice
- Environmental protection
- Good ethics within Diakonia
- Good ethics among suppliers and consultants
Also applies to partner organizations
Our guidelines also apply to partner organizations when they make procurements using grants from Diakonia. However, partner organizations may use their own procedures and rules if they are considered to meet Diakonia’s standards.
Diakonia assists partner organizations with procurement guidelines in cases where they have no rules of their own. Partner organizations must document procurement processes so they can be followed up in reports and audits.
The Diakonia procurement guidelines state that procurement should be made at least every seven years to avoid using the same providers for too long and to ensure competition. Changing providers can improve the quality of service and, not least, provide new perspectives and knowledge on important issues.
Routines for procurement
Proceedings and rules differ according to the value of the item being bought, and are defined according to the value range (threshold values).
Diakonia has identified four categories of value thresholds, as well as the proceedings that follow from each threshold.
For all procurements (with the exception of Direct Procurement for Goods, maximum value SEK 10,000), what is known as a Procurement Decision shall be filled out. It shall contain reasons why a particular method is being used regarding both the amount and the content of an assignment or purchase.
Diakonia’s regulations comply with Swedish procurement law (including Sida Procurement Guidelines), and regulates purchases up to SEK 2 million.