A closeup of a Bolivian woman wearing the traditional hat.
Quality Assurance

Global fundraising

Internal policy and guidelines

When Diakonia raises funds on an international level, the work is guided by an internal policy and guidelines for global fundraising.


In the fundraising work, we work closely with like-minded organizations and strategic partners on capacity building and experience sharing in relation to institutional fundraising. This collaboration takes place at European level within networks such as APRODEV and CONCORD Europe, while for Swedish lobbying and advocacy efforts regarding EU funding, we work through the CONCORD Sweden platform.

Within these networks, we aim to inform and influence the European Commission and other bilateral development agencies to share a more nuanced view on the positive results of development cooperation taking place through civil society organizations acting as effective partners.

Ethics and codes of conduct

Diakonia has internal manuals, handbooks, rules and guidelines that regulate, for example, codes of conduct and how we work to combat corruption and mismanagement of funds.


As the second organization in Sweden and the 23rd in the world, Diakonia has been certified against the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS). The certification acknowledges that our work meets the stringent requirements of CHS on quality, accountability and transparency.

Audits and reports

Diakonia uses external certified accountants who audit our organizational and project-level accounts on an annual basis.

Every three to four years, the Swedish government also commissions and conducts system-based management audits of all Swedish CSO framework partnership organizations, including Diakonia.

A graphic image showing the symbol for donation - a hand holding a heart - inside Diakonias circle progress bar

Strategic affiliations

Diakonia is an active member of several networks:





Diakonia is also a member of CHS Alliance and ACT Alliance.