The one who stands alone is not strong. That is why Diakonia participates in and contributes to a number of networks. That way our voice gets stronger and harder to ignore. Here you can read more about our networks and see a brief listing of Diakonia's affiliations.

Core Humanitarian Alliance
Diakonia is certified against the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS). CHS is a widely recognised standard, and this certification guides us and our partner organizations actions. Note that the former Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP), which Diakonia was a member off, has merged into the CHS Alliance.
Through the certification, Diakonia is committed to uphold the highest level of standards throughout its long-term development and humanitarian work.
To ensure our accountability towards the different stakeholders we work with, Diakonia is constantly working with compliance against the CHS Standard.
Diakonia is a member of ACT Alliance
Since 2012, Diakonia is a member of ACT Alliance, a network of over 150 churches and church-related organizations that work together in over 125 countries with development, humanitarian assistance, and advocacy.
ACT Alliance is supported by 25,000 staff and mobilizes about $3 billion for its work each year in three targeted areas:
- Humanitarian Aid
- Development
- Advocacy
Joint vision
Like Diakonia, ACT Alliance strives to create positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality in keeping with the highest international codes and standards.
Working for change
Members of the ACT Alliance work together for positive and sustainable change in the lives of impoverished, marginalized and vulnerable women, men, girls, and boys through coordinated and effective humanitarian, development and advocacy work.
Work with people of all faiths
The members of ACT Alliance work with and for people of all faiths and none. What brings us together is the work for positive and sustainable change in the lives of people affected by poverty and injustice through coordinated and effective humanitarian, development and advocacy work.
Ethical and professional standards
Being a member of ACT Alliance, Diakonia strengthens its work to uphold ethical and professional standards of transparency and accountability to the communities we serve, to those whose resources we are asked to be stewards of, and to each other.
Diakonia is a member of EU-LAT
The EU-LAT Network is a pluralistic network of European movements and organizations that promote solidarity between the people of Latin America and Europe through advocacy actions to promote participatory European policies, with a gender perspective, that contributes to the comprehensive respect for human rights, democratization, and sustainable development in Latin America.
1. International networks and others
Formal/informal networks and cooperation with other actors | Short description of cooperation |
ACT Alliance | Member since 2012 |
Nordic ACT forum | Coordination and exchange of experiences. |
ACT Alliance EU office (previously APRODEV) and its sub groups: Gender, HIV/Aids, Working group on European and International Funding Development and Humanitarian Aid, PAG, Middle East Working Group (MEWG), Central American Working Group, PICA | Member |
La Oficina Internacional de los Derechos Humanos - Acción Colombia (OIDHACO) | Member. Information and advocacy on Colombia, based in Brussels |
Copenhagen Initiative for Central America and Mexico (CIFCA) | Member. Exchange, information, coordination and advocacy on relations EU and Central America |
European Network on Debt and Development (EURODAD) | Member. Eurodad is a network of 51 NGOs from 19 European countries working on issues related to debt, development finance and poverty reduction. The network secretariat in Brussels organizes meetings, develops positions, shares intelligence and facilitates collective advocacy among members. |
Réseau Européen pour l’Afrique Centrale (EURAC) | Member, coordination of advocacy and information regarding central Africa |
Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) | Member since 2009. Members of HAP are committed to meeting the highest standards of accountability and quality management when assisting people affected by or prone to disasters, conflict, poverty or other crises. To be certified in 2013 |
Crisis Action | Network for advocacy in conflict areas with focus on policy coherence, Human rights and International Humanitarian Law (IHL), Diakonia has applied for membership (2012). |
EuroMediterranean network (EMHRN) | Network for advocacy regarding middle east, Diakonia is not a member but several of our partners like Btselem, AlHaq, AlMezan |
ECCJ (European Coalition for Corporate Justice). Diakonia forms the Swedish branch togehter with Amnesty Internaitonal, ForumSyd and Fairtrade Center) | Member |
2. Informal networks and cooperations
Formal/informal networks and cooperation with other actors | Short description of cooperation |
Euro IFI Network (IFI= International Financial Institutions) | The Network is informal and gathers NGO's in Europe working on International Financial Intuitions. Information sharing, coordination of advocacy initiatives and meetings with decision makers. |
The Zimbabwe network - Europe | |
Nordic/Baltic IFI Network (IFI= International Financial Institutions) | Loose network of Nordic/Baltic NGO's that engage in IFI related issues with the purpose of sharing information and coordinating advocacy. |
3. Swedish networks and cooperation
Formal/informal networks and cooperation with other actors | Short description of cooperation |
Forum Syd | Member |
UNICEF | Member |
FN-förbundet (United Nations Association of Sweden) | Member |
Concord, and also its working group European Institutional Funding | Member. Concord coordinates Swedish NGO's in a range of policy issues and initiatives facilitates meetings with decision makers and joint advocacy. |
Fairtrade Sverige (Fair Trade Sweden) | Member |
FUF (Föreningen för UtvecklingsFrågor/Swedish Development Forum) | Member |
Sveriges kristna råd (Christian Council of Sweden) | Member |
Postkodföreningen | Member |
Arbetsgivaralliansen | Mandatory membership |
Frivilligorganisationernas Insamlingsråd (FRII) | Member |
Swedma | Member |
Världens Barn/Swedish Radio Assistance | |
Svensk insamlingskontroll (Swedish Fundraising Control) | |
Globalportalen | Member: Shared publication of web articles, job offers events and blog posts etc. Exchange of experiences. Capacity building. |
Skutan | Member |
MR-dagarna (Human rights days) | Member - annual national event |
Seappi (Swedish branch of EAPPI - Ecumenical Accompainment Programme for Palestine and Israel) | Member |
Marknadsföreningen (Swedish marketing professionals) | Member |
Sveriges Kommunikatörer (Swedish communication professionals) | Member |
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) | Donor-recipient |
Studieförbundet Bilda (The Educational Association Bilda) | Association with the same support base as Diakonia |
Swedwatch | Member |
The Church of Sweden | An organization Diakonia frequently cooperates with |
Life and Peace Institute | An organization Diakonia cooperates with on occasion |
Kristna Fredsrörelsen (The Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation) | An organization Diakonia frequently cooperates with |