Donors & Partners
In this section you find information that is of particular interest for financers and partners. The rights perspective permeates all of Diakonia's work - internally and in relation to partners and donors.
Qualitative participation
Marginalized groups should be able to take part in public decision making processes. Therefore we work to enable people living in poverty – women in particular – to organize themselves for qualitative participation in processes that are important for their future.
Participation cannot be considered qualitative if the right to demand accountability and transparency at all levels is not included.

Diakonia's characteristics
Diakonia works close to strategic processes, both in developing and developed countries. We have a participatory approach and a pro-active agenda to alter systems and structures that generate and maintain poverty.

Roles and methods
Diakonia has several roles as a development organization: Donor and controller, an accompanying partner, a bridge builder and catalyst at the same time as we work with advocacy and raising public awareness.

The one who stands alone is not strong. That is why Diakonia participates in and contributes to a number of networks. That way our voice gets stronger and harder to ignore. Here you see a brief listing of Diakonia’s affiliations.

Diakonia and support to partners
Diakonia is a flexible donor agency that supports our partners agenda in all possible ways. The combination of core funding, capacity building and strategies for advocacy, has over the years been proven effective by many external evaluators.

On the international level, Diakonia mainly aim its fundraising efforts towards larger institutional donors, global trust funds and private foundations. Grants are normally acquired either under competitive call for proposals, through invited proposals to private foundations, or through continuous dialogue with bilateral donors.