Peace processes
Diakonia’s partner organizations working in regions of conflict
Colombia, Uganda and Somalia – Diakonia is on site in many countries where previous or ongoing conflicts are affecting people's security and livelihoods. We are working in various ways to contribute to a peaceful and just resolution of these conflicts.
Involving civil society
There are ongoing conflicts in all the regions in which Diakonia works, but the vast majority of these are internal. Religion and ethnicity are often used to explain the conflict, but when you take a closer look, you find that the war is fundamentally about control over resources. In the wake of these conflicts, there is increased violence against women and children, and an increase in the spread of HIV and AIDS.
Diakonia has many partner organizations that work in regions of conflict, and they work in a variety of ways depending on the country, and the phase of the conflict. What they have in common is their focus on respect for human rights and the mobilization of civil society. Women and men must be empowered to have a voice in the processes that to lead to peace.
Justice a prerequisite for peace
Working for a peaceful solution must also involve bringing to justice those responsible for war crimes and crimes against human rights. Genuine peace is preceded by justice being done and the creation of just and fair social structures.
International reactions are important for bringing hostilities to an end or bringing about improvements in peace agreements. For this reason, and in cases where this is possible, Diakonia also focuses on the question of how Swedish, European and international policies can contribute to the cessation of hostilities in the countries in which it works. Similarly, in many instances international pressure is one of the prerequisites for a just peace to become a reality.