A hand reaching to a woman, giving her money. In the background, there are more women, and trees.


Diakonia's work is funded by gifts and donations from individuals and congregations in Sweden, and grants from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the EU, UN, embassies, the Swedish Postcode Lottery and other international donors.

92 per cent directly to field work

Ninety-two per cent of the donations that Diakonia receives go directly to our operations (2023). The main part of these funds is used for long-term development work focused on our policy themes: human rights, democratisation, gender equality, social and economic justice and conflict and justice.

Why does it cost money to mediate aid?

Six percent of Diakonia's overall financial turnover is used for administration (2023). Some of these resources go to salaries and office rents, while others are used to cover the costs of planning, monitoring, evaluating and reporting on our work.

Costs of fundraising in Sweden

Two percent of Diakonia's annual turnover is used for fundraising activities in Sweden (2023).

Thanks to an agreement with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Diakonia recieves additional funding (up to SEK 9) for each SEK donated to us. This means that a donation made to Diakonia is often multiplied several times.

A young girl is holding up her hands to the shape of a heart.

Diakonia's annual reports

In Diakonia’s general audited annual reports you find financial information as well as a brief narrative report of the operations, highlights from the year and much more.

Download and read the latest annual report here!

Diakonia's framework agreement with Sida

Diakonia is one of the Swedish non-profit organizations that receives the largest funding allocation from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida.

A little girl riding a big bicycle.

Support from the Swedish Postcode Lottery

Diakonia co-operates with the Swedish Postcode Lottery. In 2024, Diakonia recieved 20 million SEK to allocate to a number of partner organizations as well as for advocacy and communication in Sweden and the EU, for development of Diakonia’s humanitarian work and the private sector cooperation.