A girl with long dark hair and a dark dress with a bicycle.

Working for change

We support people in finding ways out of poverty and oppression.

A closeup of a Zimbabwean woman in a field.

A global movement

Diakonia works with around 400 local partner organizations in 25 countries. Together we work for a sustainable change for the most vulnerable people in the world.

thematic areas

We and the change makers in our global network know that it is possible to change the world. Our work is based on the firm belief in people’s equal value and the right of all people to a dignified life.

A group of people standing outside with a tree in the background.


Gender Budgeting Reshaped Local Spending

Chhoun Srey Neang is reshaping the way local governance looks at budgeting, advocating for budgets that are fair and meet everyone’s needs.

Her involvement in decision-making processes has led to an increased social work budget that takes into account the various needs of marginalized groups in the community.

A darkhaired woman in a blue blouse stands in a field.

Sri Lanka

How One Woman Changed Her World

Have you ever wondered what it takes to change your life’s direction against all odds? Lucia, a 46-year-old female farmer from Vavuniya, Sri Lanka, has an inspiring answer. In a region healing from the scars of civil war, Lucia’s journey from a struggling woman headed household to a community leader shows the power of knowledge, solidarity, and advocacy. Supporting her in this transformation are Diakonia and the Law and Society Trust (LST), working hand in hand to facilitate change.

A woman in a pink blouse and brown hair looks into the camera, in the background there is a river.


Breaking Chains, Building Dreams

Born in a small village in the North of Thailand, Ms. Prakairat Tandee faced the harsh reality of gender inequality from a young age. Through the support of the Center for Girls Foundation (CFGF) and Diakonia, Prakairat was able to break free from the chains of gender stereotypes, becoming a pioneering female leader in her community.

“The training transformed my perspective and actions. Women can do it. Women can create change”, says Prakairat.

A group of young women cheering a karate practice

Held accountable

As the second organization in Sweden and the 23rd in the world, Diakonia has been certified against the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS). The certification acknowledges that our work meets the stringent requirements of CHS on quality, accountability and transparency.


Our advocacy work is rooted and has direct links with the people affected by poverty and injustice. This gives rights holders and partners opportunities to make their voices heard in forums they might not previously have had access to.

Diakonia is a force, a movement, a hope.